Saturday, July 21, 2018

A Well Fought Training Game on 21 July 2018

Just finished a fateful encounter training game with 1 of the local rising girls. I'm quite pleased with my play, considering that I was also fighting against a cold. The time management on both sides was good. I'm actually quite pleased with my play overall, just that there were a couple of major slips that could've been well avoidable had I not played the moves on "auto-pilot".

As always, please feel free to share your views and comments on the game. Thank you for seeing this!

Last but not least, a special shoutout to my chess friends, Santoso and Marcel -- sorry to bother you observes to bring my opponent and I the 2nd scoresheet to record the moves after move #50. I'm glad I can thank you guys with a win eventually!

Learning Points for Me
  1. This is one of the rare times my general sensing of the opening worked well. Hope to keep this up! I do believe this opening suits me well -- when I have time to arrange and re-arrange my pieces for optimum placement, I tend to play well =) 
  2. There were "moments of brilliance" from me in this game! However, it would have left a real bitter taste if Black failed to win. Missing obvious winning moves like 24...Bxh2, simply winning another free pawn, was painful. Do NOT go on auto-pilot (unless due to extreme time pressure, which is perfectly understandable.) 
  3. My endgame play is still horrible. I admit it. But surprisingly, I saw a couple of even worse endgame play from the young players in our local training league =( Never mind, let's all take some effort to improve our overall endgame play, together!

Yours sincerely
(a.k.a. newbie_learner)


  1. Great game! These young players sure are scary: One moment you beat them easily, then they return a few months later to exact their revenge :O

    7... h6 I don't think this was very necessary, I was thinking of a plan along the lines of b6 followed by Bg7 putting pressure on the d4 pawn, which is the main weakness in White's position. If White plays 8. Nh6 then 8... Be6 holds the centre decently. Of course, if Black really wanted to, you could play 8... Bg6 9. Nxg6 hxg6 and try to use the open h-file, but that might be a little risky.

    12... Rc8 I think 12... c5 is ok, the main idea is to try and get the dark-squared bishop out, e.g. 13. dxc5 Bxc5 and Black gets ahead in development.

    Finally, although you missed Bxh2, honestly I don't think it was so bad since you were already winning, so simplifying the position was a good enough plan (similar to how you tell Weng Chew to stop calculating for checkmate in a winning position, and focus on simple plans instead).

    But then this is only a quick analysis so I might miss out things here.

    1. Edit: Sorry I meant g6 followed by Bg7 (on the seventh move)


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